Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Do You Know Him? 你认识他吗?

Do you know him? 你认识他吗?

你可能不知道谁是Robert Pattinson
如果你看过哈利伯特的电影,你应该知道Cedric Diggory
但是Twilight的男主角Edward Cullen, 你知道吧!

Robert Pattinson=Cedric Diggory=Edward Cullen


Robert Pattinson饰演了CD后,我都称他为"那个在HP电影饰演CD的人”

However, 很明显的,他是演了吸血鬼后




Stephenie Meyer, the author of Twilight
is being hailed as the next J.K.Rowling
因为后者的故事is strong
Strong as in story line
and the characters are more independent

他使用了1st person point of view来写这本书

因为是从男主角的point of view重写第一本

Twilight继Harry Potter之后

Monday, December 29, 2008

Year 2008


stayed single almost the whole year?
- Yes, and I am not sad about it

kissed someone new?
- No, but I hope to, haha

done something you've regretted?
- I think so, but I can’t remember what

lost someone?
- Yes, I think so, because I loved ones to come to Vietnam. I consider that as a lost

Cut class?
- No, wouldn’t dream of it.

Were involved in something you'll never forget?
- Yes, I came to Vietnam

Visited a different country?
- Yes, Vietnam??

cooked a gross meal?
- No, I don’t cook

lost something important to you?
- Yes

got a gift you adore?
- No, I don’t think so

tripped over a coffee table?
- I am not that careless

dyed your hair?
- My hair is still black

came close to losing your life?
- No, definitely not

went to a party?
- I don’t really like parties, so no

read a great book?
- Currently reading it now, Twilight!
saw one of your favorite bands/artists live?
- Yes, Jolin, but she didn’t sing >.<

2008: Friends and Enemies

Did you meet any new friends this year?
- Yes, loads of new friends

Did you dislike anyone?
- Yes, of course, I dislike people easily

Did you grow apart from anyone?
- Does the question mean break up?? I don’t know, haha

Do you have any regrets when it comes to your friendships?
- Yes

2008: Your BIRTHDAY!

Did you have a cake?
- I think I did, I don’t remember much about my birthday

Did you have a party?
- Haven’t one in years

Did you get any presents?
- Err…I think the answer is no.

2008: All about YOU

Did you change at all this year?
- Yes, my point of view towards things changed A LOT

Did you change your style?
- I would say no

Were you in school?
- Yes, in two schools, in fact!

Did you get good grades?
- Yes, I got by best mark ever in Chong Hwa and am an A student in SSIS ^^

Did you have a job?
- No

Did you own a car?
- No, but I want to learn how to drive!

Did anyone close to you give birth?
- Can’t think of anyone

Did you move at all?
- I did move to Vietnam, haha

Did you go on any vacations?
- Yes, went to Hanoi, Mai Chao and Ha Long Bay

.Would you change anything about yourself now?
- I would like to change my weight, haha

2008 WRAP UP.

Was 2008 a good year?
- Good and bad. There are sure some good parts, but can’t really think of any >.<>

(x) stayed single for the whole year
( ) kissed in the snow
(x) celebrated Halloween
( ) had your heart broken
( ) mooned someone
(x) went over the minutes on your cell phone
( ) someone questioned your sexual orientation
( ) came out of the closet
( ) gotten pregnant
( ) had an abortion
(x) done something you've regretted


( ) painted a picture
( ) wrote a poem
( ) ran a mile
( ) shopped at Hollister or Abercrombie and Fitch
( ) posted a blog on MySpace
(x) visited a foreign country
( ) cut in a line of waiting people
(x) told someone you were busy when you weren't
( ) partied to celebrate the new year
( ) cooked a disastrous meal
( ) lied about how old you were
( ) prank called someone

In 2008 I...

[x] broke a promise
[ ] fell out of love
[x] a little white lie or a joke.
[x] lied
[ ] cried over a broken heart
[x] disappointed someone close
[x] hid a secret
[x] pretended to be happy
[ ] slept under the stars
[ ] kept your new years resolution
[x] forgot your new years resolution
[x] met one of your idols
[x] changed your outlook on life
[ ] sat home all day doing nothing
[ ] pretended to be sick
[x] left the country
[ ]almost died
[x]given up on something/someone important to you
[ ] lost something expensive
[x] learned something new about yourself
[ ] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it
[x] made a change in your life
[x] found out who your true friends were
[x] met great people
[ ] stayed up til sunrise
[ ] cried over the silliest thing
[x] had friends who were drifting away from you
[ ] had a high cell phone bill
[ ] spent most of your money on food/clothes
[x] had a fist fight
[ ] went to the beach with your best friend(s)
[ ] gotten sick
[ ] liked more than 5 people at the same

The biggest thing that happened to me this year was my move to Vietnam. It changed my lifestyle(physical) and made me part with my loved ones. The biggest change to me is my point of view towards things. The most satisfied change is I know better about who I am and I am proud of who I am. "I am a Chinese and I come from Malaysia" That is what I will say forever to the ones who ask who I am.





Section 1
[x] Are you Asian in the first place?
[x] Were you born in an Asian country?
[x] Can you use chopsticks?
[x]Have you taken Vietnamese/Chinese/Korean/Japanese/LAO,etc school as a kid?
[x] Can you speak an Asian language?
[] Is your favorite subject math/science?
[x] Do you eat rice almost every single day/or alot?
[] Did/Do you spike/highlight your hair?
[] Do you have an "azn crew"?
[x] Do have a 95 average?
[] Do you get at least a 3.0 GPA?

Score: 7

Section 2
[x] Do you listen to Asian music?
[x] Have you watched Asian movies?
[] Can you rave?
[] Do you know what DDR is?
[x] Do you drink pearl milk tea or bubble tea?
[] Can you play CS, Starcraft, Warcraft, Diablo, etc?
[x] Have you played the violin/piano/cello?
[x] Do your parents get mad at you you if you get bad grades?
[x]Are/have you going/taking/took any honors/AP classes?
[] Do you own a Mazda/Saturn
[x] Do you/your parents drive an Asian made car?
[] Do you have a distintive smell?

Score so far: 14

Section 3
[] Are you or were you once a fob?
[] Is your last name , Li, Lee, Nguyen, Wang, Wong, Kim, Tang, Chow,
Kamenashi, Cheung?
[x] Have you dated/want to date Asian guys/girls?
[] Have you designed a website before?
[] Does/did your SNS/e-mail have/had the words: AzN, gurl, boy, sweet, cute, hot, dragon, babe, angel, lil, princess, Xx...xX, oO..,Oo, etc?
[] Do you have both an Asian and an English name?
[x] Do you take off your shoes before entering someone's house?
[] Do you know the song "Got Rice"?
[]Do you listen to trance?

Score so far: 16

Section 4
[x] Have you eaten dim sum/dumplings before?
[] Are/or were your parents/mom/dad fobs?
[x] Is the mall your hang out place? (One of them anyway)
[X] Do you think you're short?
[x] Do you have tons of cousins/siblings/uncles/aunts/etc?-
[x] Can you twirl a pencil between your fingers
[] Have you ever solved a rubik's cube?
[] Do you read Manga?
[x] Do you/your parents save ketchup packets/napkins/etc from restaurants for later use?
[x]Do you have ASIAN Pride?

Score: 23

Section 5
[] Are you a very good artist?
[x] You speak your Asian language with your friends?
[] Do your relatives own a restaurant/market/Nail salon in an Asian community?
[] Do YoU tYpE lIkE tHiS aLoT?
[] Have you visited your home country at least twice?
[] Does your house smell like incense once in awhile?
[x] Do you have/need glasses or braces?
[x] Do you like to read?
[] Do you NOT have an allowance?

Score: 26

Under 25 - White washed
26-30 - american born chinese (ABC)
31-40 - pure asian o-o;
40-45 - asian that got fob washed
45-50 - FOBs
51- hopelessly fobby


Friday, December 26, 2008


现在是26/12,王力宏的新专辑发行了!!! ^^

3.春雨裡洗過的太陽.(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEGixgdXRys)(mv: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyJfpZOI5Dw)

它的opening music(是flute和一种中国乐器吗?),让我的身体沸腾了起来,兴奋得尖叫,我爱王力宏的音乐!!!顽皮的歌词,是得体还是dirty呢??哈哈。这首歌的vocal, 我很喜欢,因为我听到了不同的唱歌技巧,有爵士和低音的唱法(让我很干净……),尾音的顽皮唱法(谈吐人人觉得得体),嘶吼(从哀吼到叫)。编曲的方面,跟以往大不同,因为有电吉他,所以有摇滚风味。不过,力宏的摇滚有他自己的味道,不是那种我们每次以为的摇滚就是嘶吼地唱歌。在这首歌里面,不管是vocal或者是编曲,都有浓浓的“电“的味道。合音也很不错,一开始的一个男人的“得体还是DIRTY" 和副歌里的合音我都很喜欢。歌词由力宏、陈


一开始并没有爱上这首歌,这首歌需要细细品尝,仔细听他的歌词(it's abt a love life of a busy artist---basically abt himself in the past),看看他的mv,用心去感受力宏所想表达的事,你就会爱上这首歌. 编曲里基本上使用了鼓、钢琴、电吉他。我觉得电吉他的部分写得很棒,看mv会更容易听到这个部分。A段重复的时候,那个吉他的plucking也很特别,蛮喜欢的。整首歌的合音里,最喜欢“能不能给一秒”的合音。

这首歌的开场白,力宏他尝试新的元素---口哨。有些人会觉得很新鲜,好听;但对我来说,不是很特别,哈哈。在这首歌里,我听到了很棒的合音,是整张专辑里面,合音我最喜欢的。编曲里有吉他和drum,也有另外一个,但我不知道是什么乐器。在副歌里,你会一直听到“丁~”,就是我那个我不知道乐器。我也很喜欢鼓的marching的打法,很适合在这首歌。这首歌很简单,有点像folk song. 大成小也是像folk song,但是我觉得他们是不同类型的folk song. 春雨里洗过的太阳给我的感觉,不是为什么,有点像一首简单的歌。

整张专辑里,让我不怎么喜欢的有两首歌,而Everything就是其中一首。这首歌是某一韩剧的主题曲《真爱On Air》,但我没看这部戏,所以我不懂适不适合;不过Everything的副歌的确很有主题曲的feel。这首歌的编曲有钢琴、Strings、鼓和电吉他。鼓是在歌曲的A段重复的时候才进来的,就像大多数的歌曲一样,是为了帮助整首歌的起承转合。我必须说,这首歌的ending music很……熟悉,很像王力宏别的抒情歌的Ending。我想,这首歌我会在冲凉的时候唱,但不是因为喜欢,而是因为朗朗上口。

This song starts with a yawn and ends with a yawn. The yawn at the end reminded me of Jolin's kiss at her song "Mr. Q". 一路以来,我知道王力宏可以长的很高音,但总是只能在合音里听到,终于能在这首歌听到了!!!完全、没有、任何、理由、理你!!!然后又以one octave lower来唱这十个字,真的是:i love music!!!! 一开始听完王力宏的专辑(略听,没看歌词, 没注意编曲),我会推荐每个人听这首歌,不过主要是因为我真得太喜欢那十个字的高音,我觉得那真的是太棒了。我最喜欢这首歌的last part,因为那里有许多不同“完全没有任何理由理你”诠释的方法。我也很喜欢那个“uh huh" 的合音。

王力宏跟张靓颖的合唱。海豚音出现在王力宏的歌里了!Mucho gracias to Jane. ^^ 这首歌,我不会把它归类在抒情歌的领域里,因为抒情对我来说是好像心跳那种类型的。这首歌比较像对话的唱歌。力宏说,这首诗他梦出来的,很浪漫吧?可是这首歌停在我耳里,不是很浪漫。>.< 由于事前王力宏和张靓颖合唱了一首奥运歌曲,所以这首歌给我的感觉很像又是另外一首奥运歌。 玩偶: This is one of my favorite songs in this album. 我非常推荐这首,喜欢不是因为这首歌的某某地方,而是这首歌的全部。这首有很重的电吉他和鼓。这首歌给我的感觉很像贺年歌,哈哈,尤其是A段的曲。我很喜欢力宏他唱“玩偶”的时候,很好玩。第一次我听到这首歌的时候,我以为这首歌是“脚本”,因为一只听到“脚本”这两个字。听这首歌的时候,一定要注意听那个guitar solo, because the guitar solo is AWESOME!!!

这首歌就是另外一首我不怎么喜欢的歌.我觉主要是我不明白这首歌吧,哈哈。这首歌很像是那种在平安夜里,在某个pub里一个驻唱歌手站着、手里抓着mike stand唱的一首歌。虽然我不是很喜欢这首歌,可是我很喜欢“世界也太乏味 仍需要的很美 像第一次面的”和“就算是笑中”的曲。

听了这首歌,他让我想起蔡依林的布拉格广场(只是公主唱的部分而已)和The Phantom of the Opera。听了几次之后,我想起了力宏的Can You Feel My World。我很喜欢钢琴在开场的四个音,很有神秘感,好像要把你带到另一个世界。我也很喜欢这首歌的曲,尤其是“
不管是否有什”和“你要的世界如今回不去 我想的未来竟然没有你 无奈 无力 ”。后者是以三连音写的,很特别,也很喜欢。很出奇的,这首歌是我在这张专辑里面最喜欢的抒情歌。Not to mention this song's 合音很高音.



专辑叫《心。跳》,“心”代表力宏所擅长的抒情歌,而“跳”代表着摇滚。In my opinion, 我觉得我很喜欢“跳”,但我对“心”有点失望,毕竟我很期待像Forever Love那样的经典。


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Leehom's Hearbeat Presale in Malaysia

Date : 20th Dec 2008
Time : 8PM
Venue : Sungai Wang Plaza
Free Gift : Leehom 2008 Photo Book and 2009 Calender

If you missed the above pre-sale, start from 22nd Dec, you may also order from all major music store.

心跳专辑的价钱使RM49.90。嗯……不一定要在20号去金河预购,22号去别的唱片行预购也是会有赠品。赠品不是免费的,是包括在那RM49.90里面。所以专机正式发行后,那是不会有赠品,专辑的价钱也会比较便宜。RM44.90的价钱是cd rama的价钱,其他唱片行不清楚。专辑预购目前已经开始了,现在就可以去预购。马来西亚发行的时间是2009年1月5日。

Monday, December 8, 2008


王力宏的新专辑,《心跳》 将会在26/12隆重发行,敬请期待吧!!!


: 王力宏 易家揚
: 王力宏

想跟我吵架 我沒那麼無聊
不懂得道歉 我沒那麼聰明

你又在哭泣 我給不了安慰
我又在搖頭 有那麼點後悔

但身不由己出現在胸口 兩顆心能塞幾個問號


逆轉時光到一開始 能不能給一秒


Sunday, November 30, 2008


要考试了,就在两个星期后。 随谈从七岁开始就一直都会有年中考和年终考,但是第一次在新学校嘛……风格不一样,怕会不适应而拿到很低的分数。小小介绍我一本古灵写的小说,叫:引[狼]入室。真的是很不错,而且古灵的小说好长哦,不过那是好事啦。哈哈。因为这样就可以看久点。今天是新交的朋友的生日,朋友们有办生日趴,也有邀请我去,但我没去。我是不能去啦,不过气是我也不是很想去。新交的朋友之中,他们都来自很多国家,但我最喜欢的是来自韩国的某一个朋友,因为他跟我最像,比较……sensible.美国式的人比较夸张,老实说,我不喜欢,也不像勉强自己去适应他们的生活方式。我就是我,不是说不想改变,但有时候改变未必是件好事。他们的生活方式,我想,我永远都不能把他们当作我知心的朋友、能够信任和依赖的朋友。很抱歉,但事实确实如此。

p/s: 附加王力宏的白兰氏鸡精广告!

Monday, November 24, 2008


前天我去看了High School Musical 3……我并没有像某某人一样,在电影院里面睡着,哈哈。没睡着,不是因为它是一部好电影。有两个原因:它是一部音乐电影,有点像荧幕里的舞台剧,这是我喜欢这部电影的一点。第二点:看到这部电影的尾声的时候,我就在电影院里哭了起来。出来的时候,也还在哭,吓坏了我的家人(对不起)。来到越南这半年来,这次好像是我哭得最惨的一次,感觉上……好像崩溃了。HSM3, 这次是说毕业嘛,看到他们能够快快乐乐的毕业,本是件开心的事,却也让我想到,我不能在中华毕业了。就这样,我就哭了。躲在厕所里哭的我,突然间,很想回中华。来到这里,我才发现,我是多么的爱中华。虽然在中华,也发生了许多不开心的事,也会不喜欢中华的一些东西,但我对它的感情,就像我对马来西亚的感情一样。是永远都会不走的感情。或许有一天,我会忘记我在中华发生的一切事,但我永远都不会忘记我对中华的爱。


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Pieces of my homework 3

A Limerick

There once was a boy named Ray
Whose favorite month was May
In May one day
He caught a stingray
And he never came back to the bay

Pieces of my homework 2

What is jealousy? According to Wikipedia, “jealousy typically refers to the negative or angry thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of insecurity, fear, and anxiety that occur when a person believes a valued relationship is being threatened by a rival, or when another person is perceived to have some type of advantage. Jealousy often contains a mixture of emotions, such as anger, sadness, disgust, which are focused by passion or anger”. Jealousy is an emotion that I have been experiencing for years. Anger, pain, loneliness, disgust, love and hate are the feelings that exist at the same time when I am jealous.

Jealousy is loving and hating a person at the same time. I love my brother more than I love my sister, which I think is because of the connection between male and female. But my brother, being a boy and the youngest in the family, is also the reason sometimes I find myself hating and loving him at the same time. Born in a Chinese family, my brother is the only grandson, so he is the only one who can continue our family’s last name. For this reason, of course, he gets the love from everyone, especially the adults. I always say to my relatives that my brother acts like an angel in front of them but a devil in front of me and my sister. He likes to beat us and we beat him too. But he is smaller in size so he beats us with all his might, which is very painful. On the other hand, we don’t really hit him because our strength may hurt him. In the end, he always complains first although we get more pain than him. This makes me have the feeling of hate inside me. In spite of this, I love my brother very, very much as he is my brother and we have the same blood flowing through our body.

Jealousy is being angry at the person who is being biased towards me and another person. Since I started to have the feelings of jealousy towards my brother, I have a habit of observing how my mum treats me and my brother. I compare the way my mother will solve the problem that I made when I was nine and now when my brother does something wrong. When I was nine, if I didn’t drink my water, I would be scolded very badly. My mum would also lock me outside the house with my bottle and order me to finish my water. There was once I was locked out during lunch time and that day, my lunch was a bottle of water. So now, I will always look and wait to see how my mother will treat him if he doesn’t drink his water. I always expect some fair and just actions, but matters don’t always occur as I expected them to. I found out that my mum normally just keeps quiet and turns a blind eye towards my brother’s actions. If my brother doesn’t drink his water, my mum will just ASK him to drink his water. I know it’s because after scolding children for years she gets tired and doesn’t want to bother us and she thinks that I can handle the issue myself but she doesn’t understand that my brother doesn’t listen to what I say because he isn’t afraid of me. I can’t help being angry remembering how I was being punished when I was small and she chose not to scold my brother but scold me if I did something wrong. My mum always tells me not to compare myself with my brother but the main point that I am angry about is she lets him behave badly when he wants to.

Jealousy is pain and loneliness. After I have been hurt, I can feel that my heart is so painful, as if it has been crumpled together. It is so painful, that I have to put my hand over my chest to rub it, hoping the pain will go. I was shocked at the pain at the first time. I thought that I was having a heart attack. There was sadness in my heart. I couldn’t stop the tears dripping down from my eyes. Due to my pride, I couldn’t bear to cry in front of anyone, especially my mother. However, I find myself being contradictory. Although I couldn’t bear to cry in front of anyone, I wanted to be found crying and being comforted but that never happen. I feel that I am always alone; there was always only myself to tidy up my emotions and then continue my life again.

I try to be a good person, because I believe that being good maintains the peace among people. I do not want to be a person who is jealous. In my consciousness, jealousy is a negative emotion, so a person who is experiencing jealousy is not a good person. Sometimes, I feel disgusted at my self, wondering how could I be such a bad person although I know about the morality of humans. It was like wanting to have a white, clean paper but there is always dirt on the paper that I could never rub off. I don’t want to have jealousy in me, but sometimes I just couldn’t control myself being jealous at another person. I want to stop myself, to rub away the badness in me. Today, I still have not succeeded in doing so. Determination and a high emotion quotient are what I need to stop being jealous so that I won’t be disgusted at myself anymore.

I believe that jealousy exists in every person, it is only just the matter of seriousness and how one can control it. Sometimes jealousy is brought by one’s self and sometimes jealousy is brought to one by other’s attitudes. I hope that I will never be the one who brings jealousy to another person because it is suffering to experience jealousy.Observe the people around you and see if you are having any biased actions towards someone out of your consciousness. May people be thoroughly peaceful one day.

Pieces of my homework

今天,我会post一些我写的东西……其实都是功课啦,不过想给你们看看 ^^

The moon was high up in the sky. Inside the dancing studio, there was Jolin Tsai, alone. Everyone has gone home since 5pm. From 9am to 11pm, from 20 people practicing to only Jolin left alone practicing, for her concert that is three days later. She will dance hip hop and break-dance in her concert, the two types of dance that she usually dances. But this time she is also going to perform 3 things that she has never tried before, which are the pommel horse, hand ring, and pole dancing. She was sitting on the floor with her legs open and her hands stretched straight behind her back. There was silence, except the sound of her breathing heavily. She felt tired but satisfied. Sacrificing her time with her family and friends, just hoping that she will have a perfect performance on her concert that will make everyone go “Wow!”, and also make those who once do not favor her become definite of her achievement. She tilted up her head and looked at the reflection in the mirror. The long, black silky hair was wet and the usually fair, smooth skin was a little red, wet and sticky now. The ELLE white shirt was also wet thoroughly. The big, black eyes were full of determination. Then, she stood up. The 28 year old lady was comely, slim but also had little muscles on her arms, legs, and back. She picked up her LV bag, put on her sunglasses and cap. She pushed her cap down until more than half her face was covered by the cap and sunglasses. She turned off the lights and walked briskly out of the studio. She looked around Taipei city. Although it was late night, there were still a lot of people on the streets. She pushed her cap lower. Then, she saw a couple holding hands walking past her, not even realizing who she was, as their eyes could only see their love. Jolin stopped walking and gazed at the couple with a sign of longing. She smiled and quickly get on a cab and went home.

Friday, November 7, 2008

International Day-Poverty

Yesterday was my first MS/HS international day in SSIS. I would say that yesterday was a very interesting day and a day that I don’t think I would ever forget in my life.

Welcome the Crossroads from Hong Kong! At the beginning of the day, it started with Mr David’s speech. He was an excellent speaker and I was really impressed with the stories that he told us. There was one story about when one side of the world was starving to death, the other side of the world had too much food that they needed. Although it is hard to admit it, but yes, this is our world. When one is complaining about the food was not delicious, at the same time another is dying because of starvation. In this condition, it made me think: should I spend money on delicious food when there are some people in the world are starving? But I do like good food, so what should I do?

Mr David also told us that poverty wasn’t just about money. This is another thing to think about. If I had one million dollars and there was no food to buy, then what is the use of the one million dollars. Poverty is about food, water, clothes and others.

During the first activity, we were told to take of our shoes. Then the workers and teachers gave us shoes(left and right) that do not belong to us. The theme was to show that the people in poverty do not have the chance to choose what they wear. They wear what were given to them. I received two shoes of the same sides. It wasn’t really comfortable wearing shoes that don’t fit. I saw the two people that wore my shoes were males. They couldn’t fit into my shoe. Honestly, it was a bit hilarious looking at people wearing shoes that don’t fit because we were not really in poverty.

In the second activity, we were divided into groups. We were asked to choose basic needs, such as water. We also had to fight with other groups to take the things that we needed because the the resources were limited. In poverty, the basics that you need are water and food because those are the most basic things that you need to survive. When you survive, you have to think for another way to survive. The only thing that you could think of only is survival.

Then, we had rice, about one fifth of a potato, cabbage, to big chunks of carrot and a cup of strong tea. The rice, potato and cabbage was quite delicious, but I really don’t desire the carrots and tea. Mr David mentioned that he had a friend who went to Cambodia for a month and all his friend ate for the whole month was white rice. If I had rice, potato and cabbage for a month, I think I would still be quite happy. But if I had only white rice, I think I will start to throw up on the second meal. Well, I think I’m living a really decent life. I never need to worry about finding food in order to survive. Again I think: In reality, I have food that I don’t like and I have the choice to not eat the food. But if I was in poverty, I would not care whether I liked carrots or not. I would just eat the carrots because I was starving.

In the last workshop, we were divided in families. We were in poverty and we had to make paper bags to sell the them to shopkeepers in order to make money. The money was to buy food, pay rent and schooling. The shopkeepers were quite mean and they tore some of the paper bags we made. But we were in poverty and we must sell the paper bags so we could not show our anger to shopkeepers. We had to make the shopkeepers willing to buy our paper bags. I was really shocked about what people did to sell their paper bags. Some entertained the shopkeepers, some massaged the shopkeepers, one kissed the shopkeepers’ shoes, one married the loan shark’s daughter. One of my family members even sold herself to earn money for our family. A lot of us thought of stealing paper bags from other family and stealing money too. Mr David then explained to us that in this desperate condition, you would do anything to earn money for your family to survive. I totally agree with a comment of Diep. She said that she would be embarrassed if she was in poverty; but during the game, all of us were so busy making paper bags that we did not have time to feel embarrassed. Other than that, it was also because all of us were the same. We were all in poverty.

After all these activities, I feel that I want to do something for the poor and help them. I actually thought of when I grow up, maybe I can go to one of the poor countries to help the people or help a  charity like Crossroads.But at the same time,I am also afraid of living  in a bad environment.I have a concerned too.To us that live a decent  life,should we donate our left over money to the poor and entirely not  use our money on entertainment?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election Day

今天是美国的election day,奥巴马赢了!




























正如奧巴馬的動人演說:“這裡並不是白人的美國,也不是黑人、拉丁人、亞裔人的美國,只有一個美國,就是美利堅合眾國(United States of America)”。





王力宏和蔡依林一起拍了海伦仙度丝(head and shoulders)的广告。不过,我找不到任何资料,到底是最新的广告吗?也没有新闻或者视频,气死人了!如果有任何人知道关于这些照片,告诉我哦!

爱的练习语也出了, 记得去支持哦~书也好、英文专辑也好,都要去支持。书我还没看(>.<),所以还不知道要说什么。可是个我听了,老实说,还不错,有空去听听吧!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

One Week in Malaysia


住在zmin的家,去one u唱k,这次只唱两个小时,有点遗憾。这次选择唱一些以前没唱的歌,还蛮爽的。萧敬腾的歌好唱!^^ 不过,只唱了不到五首蔡依林的歌,不知道为什么,就是不是很想唱……

最期待的一天,到校门口的时候,心跳得很快,很紧张,不知道为什么,哈哈。本来是想在大概两点的时候回去的,但是因为不方便,所以12点就到了。下课时间,所以也还ok. 第一时间跑去文忠,有点失望,想见的人不在那里。只好去理忠了。理忠……有朋友在,可是有些人还是不在,全去吃饭了啊!!!理孝洁仪又不在,可恶。上课时间到了,回到文忠,想见的人总算在那里了。那时是道德节,钟怡方又去生baby,换了新的老师,害我不好意思进班。龙威剪头发了!怎么没等到让我看之前的发型呢……看他光着头戴着王力宏的MUSIC-MAN帽子,还蛮可爱的,哈。过后去找杨丽云、倪子杰和唐莱温。杨丽云还跟龙威说,叫他们毕业旅行去越南,哈哈。如果是真的,我会非常非常开心呢!过后去找倪子杰,总算遇到他了!找了他好几次都不在呢……刚好我开办公室的门的时候他要出来,就酱看到我了。他看到我的样子还蛮好笑的,嘻嘻。我们聊了一会儿,原来他记得我那天会回去。我那天要回去,我只告诉三个人:倪子杰、龙威和洁仪。龙威一定会记得,因为我有提醒他。老师也记得,可是我太迟出现了,哈哈。有时候觉得好奇怪……还在马来西亚的时候,没有跟很多人很好,因为不是很会社交。来了这里,会有很多人问候,如果我把情况告诉一个人,他就会跟班上的人讲。就像上次我跟老师讲我不会做数学,结果很多人就问我要不要叫我数学,哈哈。心里很温暖! ^^ 还有生日那天,听说有人记得我生日,哈哈哈。其实,被人记得的感觉真好,因为这样,感觉上就有存在的价值。唉,我很自私吧……来了这里,也跟倪子杰好像将比以前更多话了。其实回去,有两个人,我没见到,很遗憾。而且他们好像不知道我有回去。我不知道要跟他们讲,万一他们会以为我不把他们当成朋友?唐莱温说我看起来很快乐,他认为是我在越南很快乐。可是我认为是因为我回中华很开心吧,所以脸上一直挂着笑容。啊,倪子杰也是讲我皮肤变好,嘻嘻。可是我想了想,我觉得是因为我那时一直走来走去,就很热,所以脸就变得红红的。结果老师就去认我皮肤变好,哈哈。

When You Say Nothing At All


I Won't Last A Day Without You

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Visit Malaysia~

Monday, October 6, 2008



Friday, October 3, 2008


Why are rules made? 规则是为了让一个团体比较整齐,好控制,more organized?我想大多数的人都会认为规则像一个框框,让我们生活的方式,都不能跳出框框,是这样吗?我不是一个很会表达的人,很抱歉。但曾经某个人也告诉我,只要不做任何不该做的事,规则就好像不存在了啊,那为什么要这么介意“规则”,这个东西呢?

Sunday, September 28, 2008


我说啊,来到越南后,我越来越珍惜我是华人的事实。华人的culture,还真想介绍给全校人。我知道得不多,但我会将我所知道的告诉大家。我很庆幸我的偶像,王力宏,是一个非常爱华人文化的人,因为他,我也认识了更多华人文化的东西。Appreciate who you are. ^^

~wei syn~

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


今天看了一则新闻,心情有点复杂。老实说,我有点讶异,这则新闻对我的影响。我没想到,我的心情会不好,会不开心,会发脾气。我好像回到去年的一月二十三号,再次发现,偶像不是神,不是完美的,更不是白马王子。我不知道,是不是每个女粉丝都跟我都有一样的反应。王力宏说:“就算有好感,我也不會主動開口;但當別人主動,有恆心一點,我也不會拒绝。” 我吓到了,这样就可以在一起了吗?第二:“清晨6時被飯店的女服務生搖醒、跟他要簽名,他說:「她開門進來,我正在睡覺,整個人嚇到彈起來,我直接大罵『妳給我出去!我不會簽!』她被我罵到哭。」”这……我可以接受,但我想很多人会很surprise吧?王力宏竟然会骂人,尤其是那女服务生,她一定以后都很讨厌王力宏。其实王力宏没错,我也曾经在我熟睡的时候,有人来拍打我睡着的桌子上面,结果我把那个人骂道臭头。我醒来的时候,才发现自己干了什么,结果那个人还一直跟我道歉。那个服务生根本不配做服务生!其实文章里还有很多东西影响了我,不想写了,哈!


生日快乐~本来今天又一大堆想说的话,但是气消了,想说的话也减少了,嘻嘻.我现在,有时候会很羡慕那些人缘很好的人.因为他们好像从来都不缺朋友,也好 像永远都不会孤单.因为来到另一个国度,很自然的,一定会过一段很孤单的日子,而且我又是个不是很会社交的人.人缘很好的人,身边永远都会有朋友,但是今 天我想了想,他们身边的朋友有多少是真的朋友呢?是不是全部都只是聚在一起玩玩的朋友?我想,我应该不太需要着一种朋友吧?朋友,只要是真心的,有一个, 就很足够了.我想,不知道这世界上有多少人想象过,没有朋友的日子,是如何的?曾经,龙威好想]像问过我,好朋友是什么?我想,真正的好朋友是,在你最需 要支持的时候,他总是在你身边,陪伴着你.如果有一天,你做错事了,他会要求你改过,但不会因为你做错事而生气.但是,这种朋友,能拥有多少呢?今天生 日,好像突然看透了许多事情.十六了,很幸运的,我活了十六年.是的,我认为我非常的幸运,比起其他人.我知道,要珍惜身边的一切.但是,没失去过,不知 道失去的感觉,所以我也不知道怎么去珍惜.至少,要对身边的人好吧!生日快乐!


好啊!王力宏的新歌名字,取得真好!很有反差, 肮脏 , 得体!力宏,后天和大后天的演唱会,预祝你成功!!! 希望你会在我三月放假的期间去大马开演唱会. ^^ 摇滚怎么了!!! 还有一件事,只剩两个小时就到了,嘻嘻~


今天,某人告诉我,力宏会在明年的华人新年期间到马来西亚开唱。本来时间开心的事,但是心跳突然漏了半拍。开心当然是有的,但是心中惶恐却把开心掩盖住 了,让我一点都笑不出来。该开心吗?力宏终于要到大马了耶!但是问题是,我能去吗?我真的很想去啊!新年期间,回去的时间不多,连想在吉隆坡逛街的时间都 不知道有没有.如果真的在新年期间,刚好我在马来西亚,我想,可能还有一丁点希望吧.那如果我不再马来西亚呢?我是不是就失去了去看王力宏演唱会的机会? 我是不是永远都不能看MusicMan?或许有些人会觉得,这不是一件很大的问题.但是,王力宏和蔡依林都是我的依靠,我不能失去他们!我不常使用我的零 用钱,大部分都是花在他们的身上,我并不后悔,因为我认为那是一种浪费.后天就要生日了,会很孤单吗?如果我过了一个孤单的生日,那…我的愿望可不可以被 实现? 哼…太傻了吧!



怎么最近都没电影看啊?最后看的是The DarkKnight…好看……表现出了人类的弱点。老实说,如果有人告诉我Heath Ledger是因为排这部戏而自杀,我相信。小丑在这部戏里,赢了,也输了。不过,我不太喜欢结局。为什么可以为了保持Harvey的形象而让被人以为蝙 蝠侠是坏的呢?Harvey做错了,他就因该负责他的所作所为,不管他是不是被小丑洗脑。Anyway,还会有下一部。很期待,因为Johnny Depp将会参与其中。Hurray~他是一个非常棒的演员。从三部Pirates of the Caribbean,Charlie and the Chocolate Factory到 Sweeney Todd:The Demon Barber of Fleet Street,他都是演了一些很特别的角色,而且也演得很成功。喜欢他!



终于,终于,可以打华语了,万岁!!!哈哈.今天问了同学,joseph..原来,他不知道我会说华语.好无奈哦!!他的原因是:我是 Malaysian. 老实说,同学们好像误会了Malaysian的意思.Malaysian不等于Malay.Malaysian是马来西亚人,而Malay是马来人,明白 了吗?唉…其实,世界上还是有许多人为马来西亚只有马来人.我不知道为什么会这样,是因为马来西亚不是一个很红的国家吗?最后,要感谢的是学校的中文老 师,谢谢您!!^^

下个星期就生日了.我第一个在外地过的生日.啊….突然好想念你们哦,我的朋友!你们知道吗,来到这里,我深深地感受到:在外靠朋友,这句话.生日 了,十六岁了!我的愿望是什么?在这时期,我的愿望是:我好想去王力宏的演唱会哦!把愿望说出来好想不太会实现,但是…我真得很想去….>.<
