Saturday, March 28, 2009
Bizarre Dream
My dream..of course, a combination of the drama I watched, My Girl and the vampire story I'm reading, Twilight. I was a vampire in my dream, and so is my.....mate? Haha. My mate is the main male character in the drama. We had a vampire family and the Rosalie in my dream is a girl in my school that I wouldn't want to talk to. Weird eh? >.<
There was a kiss in my dream. I guess that was because of a kiss that I saw in My Girl. The kiss in the drama was AMAZING. Listen to how the guy says "I love you", so passionate and full of love. Plus the way he kissed made him looked like he is a good kisser. Better than Robert Pattinson. HAHA
See...from 5:20
The kiss in my dream was nothing like that, of course. Or else I would faint in my dream. The kiss in my dream was...nice. ^^ I guess that's the best I can describe it. Haha. I swear my heart was beating like crazy that time.
Hark the teenager is talking about kissing, she is crazy!!!
Gosh, this is SO embarrassing...
2009 新/型人類定位主題曲。敢作敢為,活得繽紛,不管別人怎麼看妳,妳都要”開心、勇敢”的做自己!
除 了生活工作,愛情也是壹樣的態度,勇敢站出來 變成蝴蝶飛舞翩翩,比妳想像中再愛現再敢壹點,自己決定最後的三審定讞!七彩絢麗花花蝴蝶,強烈視覺震撼JOLIN遠赴美國西岸洛杉磯,拜學賈斯汀、碧昂 絲舞蹈老師Bobby Newberry,爭相學習全新性感飛舞翩翩舞蹈動作,更全新勇敢大膽嘗試「芭蕾絕技Fouettes 鞭轉20圈」!絕對值得期待!
ps: Fouettes是法文to whip鞭打的意思,壹種連續單腳旋轉的動作
Jolin首度演繹法國浪漫甜蜜小品,愛情致命吸引力的美麗,就如同法文壹樣既難學難懂,卻又過份美麗!Jolin甜美聲音演繹夢幻般小情歌,帶給歌迷們全新c’est joli的感受。
ps: c’est joli是法文很美麗的意思
「妥 協的姿態,是壹種撤退的姿態。後退其實是為了靠近,但退無可退時,我是接近了妳?還是失去自己。」Jolin 2009 第壹波抒情主打歌,描述現代情感中最無奈最病態的現象。F.I.R. 阿沁,千變萬化創作功力,繼大熱作品蕭敬騰<原諒我>之後,全新ROCK BALLAD 搖滾抒情曲。MV拍攝邀請到善於描述細膩情感的療傷系MV廣告導演‧徐筠軒執導,新生代男演員代表張孝全深情演出。徐筠軒過去執導多支孫燕姿、陳綺貞經典 mv,代表作有陳綺貞《旅行的意義》、孫燕姿《我不難過》《我懷念的》等等,讓人深深感受青春的濃郁情感和令人印象深刻的攝影風格。
Jolin首次與徐導和阮经天合作挑戰劇情式MV,勢必再度成為年度網路、KTV 點播率破表之作。
2009 新/型 Red Hot Jolin專輯第壹主打歌,萬眾期待,熱爆亞洲!繼 <舞娘> 後,金曲鐵三角 - 蔡依林X陳鎮川X阿弟仔再度合體發功。09年度最註目華語時尚嘻哈新作,強勢問鼎2009流行舞曲第壹名。 臺灣年度最註目男新人NICK首度神秘發聲FEATURING. “I DON’T WANT A BOY FRIEND. I NEED A REAL MAN”只要有肩膀的真男人,JOLIN為所有單身女生發言,點出擇偶第壹要點。JOLIN遠赴紐約跟隨Madonna、Beyonce、Janet Jackson指定合作的勁爆雌雄同體黑人名師Jonte,全新高難度舞藝,震驚亞洲樂壇。
對愛情期待甜而不膩的輕鬆小品, 創作新奇才陳穎見曲詞包辦,清新直接的歌詞 Jolin超愛!希望天下尚未找到伴侶的人,都有如降落傘般從天而降的愛情。
每 天工作十六個小時,每天只用餐壹次,每天陪伴愛人十五分鐘,每天和家人碰面只能說二聲"早""晚安",每天會做運動的時間是零。當我們發現自己的生活毫無 意義,能享樂時間剩下的已經不多,妳還要每天過這種生活嗎?慢呼吸 慢遊戲 慢愛情 慢慢聆聽慢努力 慢慢著急 慢開心 慢憂郁 慢慢計算星星慢慢生活」讓情緒通通的安靜休息,妳會發現壹切人事物都會變得更美麗!繼<馬德裏不思議><日不落>之 後,JOLIN 輕松中版第三部曲集大成之作<愈慢愈美麗>。
動人情歌通常 都是悲歌,能打動人的正面情歌少之又少。感性詞聖姚若龍X唱作人易桀齊,聯手發揮催淚功力,最新感人求婚主題曲。「我們從牽手放手又牽手 走過來願意為更懂妳的心spending all my life我就明白 妳是我的依賴」JOLIN深情演繹,溫柔窩心,百聽不厭定情歌。
金 曲作詞人林夕量身打造,繼<妳快樂所以我快樂>後,另壹波”不快樂”情歌。「來不及愛到平淡 就要告別妳狂熱的糾纏 來不及甘苦共享 我就變成妳和她的負擔」三角戀愛令人如坐針氈,妳的快樂刺穿我的自尊,感情內傷比表面的傷痕持久壹百倍,專輯中最不快樂苦澀痛情歌。
Jolin HARDCORE 重節奏舞曲;歌詞以環保議題切入積極新世代戀愛態度,舞曲女王,為炎炎夏日火上加油。
source from g-music
P/s: Please listen to 降落傘! I don't have the last three songs in my playist because I still haven't like them... >.< The last song in my playist, Touch Your Heart is just a song for the Welcome To Taiwan thingy...
Friday, March 27, 2009
You are back
I supposed I should be happy
But you
brought unhappiness upon me
it is I myself
who brought unhappiness upon myself?
Why did this happen?
It makes me fear
that your presence brings unhappiness to me
instead of happiness
You make me want to run away
To a place where there is your absence
You make me cry
and fly into the arms of Her
I miss Her
So much now
Because I am not happy now
I crave and yearn
for the warmness of the embrace of Her
Is it so
that because I was the only one present here
so when you came back
all fault is my responsible?
I regret
that I seem not to make you happy enough
I am sorry
I question myself
Why are you not satisfied with me
even though when others are?
Maybe, maybe
alone is the best for me
I am not lonely when I am alone
At least,
I am not unhappy when I am alone
Is that reason good enough to be alone?
To You,
I love you
But I am sad
To Her,
I wish to fly in your arms now
Will you accept me?
I am falling of the cliff now
Nowhere to drop to
Please say yes
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Ten Months
To me, the arrival of spring meant another. Its arrival meant time. Ten months. I have lived in
I was having lunch with my usual group of friends. They talked while I ate. I didn’t usually talk, I preferred to listen.
“Hey, did you guys see that Jennifer was always in a wanting to puke stage today? Do you know what I think?” Val asked us. In her voice, I could her that she was dying to tell us what she thought, but she also wanted the same level of enthusiasm from us. I kept my head down though, concentrating on my lunch, not giving Val the attention that she wanted.
“What?” mused Kae. Good thing Kae was interested in the subject, or Val would be upset.
Short Strory
I thought of stuff that I'm more familiar with: friends, jealousy, homesick, and culture stress. I thought of writing a boy's relationship with his younger brother. I think one of my problems may be the names for my characters. I don't want to use English names for my non-English characters.
Now, I decided to write from the first person point of view as I could write more about the narrator's thoughts if I used this perspective. I think mainly of my story would be about friends and culture stress. I might be writing about myself!
So, here is the starting of my essay, I have not edit it, it's just a ROUGH draft.
It was March, which meant spring was here. How was spring supposed to be? As much as I knew, spring should be happy, green and full of flowers. That’s what I only knew about spring. Spring has arrived, but there wasn’t much change in the weather as I wasn’t living in a four seasons’ country. I was living in
To me, the arrival of spring meant another. Its arrival meant time. Ten months.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Right or Wrong?
2. If a quiz asks me whether I'm happy, I would answer, "Yes". The truth is, I answered yes because I think there is nothing to be unhappy about. Now, I question myself, if I think so, am I truly happy?
3. Anyways, time for music. ^^ I want to introduce two pieces of music to my faithful blog readers. These two pieces of music are soundtracks from the Harry Potter movie, written by John Williams, currently the most famous and richest movie music writer.
Firstly, Harry's Wondrous World
Secondly, Hedwig's Theme
Another movie music writer that I admire is Andrew Lloyd Webber. He wrote the music for The Phantom of the Opera. Don't tell me you don't know his music!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
My science project was finally over on Wednesday,这次的project真的是困难重重来。>.< 本来拍完整个影片,结果那个file convert不到。所以要重做。告诉老师的时候,我还在老师的面前哭了出来。>.<啊~我可是第一次在这间学校大庭广众哭了出来。那时的心情是upset and disappointed,因为那时的感觉是付出的努力好像没有收获。老师对我很好,没有生气,还多给一点时间让我完成。
这个假期,除了功课、弹钢琴和准备搬家之外,I need to write a short story that is 1500 words length because I'm planning to compete in a short story competition. I have some ideas in my mine about what I might write about but I have really decided yet as I have not started to really sit down and think about it. Wish me luck! I hope that I will succeed in finishing this story. ^^
Spring is here, which means about one month later, I will be going to Malaysia! Haha. Actually I planned some of my activities during my stay at Malaysia in my head.
30/4 Arrive at Malaysia at 2pm
1/5 Go out with Zm, Jm, Chyn (Haven's ask any of them yet)
2/5 Music-Man concert
3/5 Go out with Chong Hwa friends
4/5 Back to Vietnam
Not sure about my plan though, they are just what I thought what I might do.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Personality Quizzes
Your view on yourself:
Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them. (I know I hide my true self >.<)The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes. (Yes, I do like serious, smart and determined people. But that doesn't mean I dislike people that are not serious, smart and determined. Yes, sometimes I find myself liking people that are not really good looking. Looks doesn't mean EVERYTHING. Especially those good looking but mean people, I really dislike those people.)Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship. (This is very important! It's too 冲动 to be with someone that you don't really understand)The seriousness of your love:
Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates. (Straightforward? Am I?)Your views on education
Education is less important than the real world out there, away from the classroom. Deep inside you want to start working, earning money and living on your own. (Haha, sometimes, maybe)The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life. (Not sure about this though...)How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous. (I HAVE TO change this attitude of mine >.<)What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.2nd test:
- You are a very serious person. You tend to be quiet and well behaved, and you don't have a great deal of self-confidence. You prefer to be alone rather than with friends and that could make you a little less interesting to certain types of guys. You are very attractive in an individual kind of way, and this means it can take people a little while to get to like you.
- You really care about other people's feelings and are quite serious about the issues that affect your life. You are sincere, and your concern for the well-being of others makes many people want to be your friend.
- You are a bright, cheerful and bubbly person. You are thoughtful and considerate, and like to have fun. Everybody feels comfortable around you because of your pleasant nature. When you walk into a room, people's eyes are likely to be drawn to you because of your charm.
- Guys see you as being a thinker and a careful person. They will be really attracted to this quality in you, but you need to learn to speak your mind, otherwise people will find you too shy and quiet. Learn to relax and lighten up--it's okay to have fun sometimes. When you learn to develop your fun-loving side, guys are going to flock to your side.
- Your boyfriend believes that you are a strong and independent person. Your confidence and cheerfulness make you an attractive person to be around, but sometimes you need to pay more attention to what other people, including your boyfriend, are thinking.
Your kindness is your charm - you are also gentle and sweet. Everybody likes to be around people with your personality. Like a psychologist, people like to talk to you to discuss their problems because you are proper and discrete, as well as confident. You look mature and people respect you. People with this kind of character are few and far between.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Yes or No?
Aaahh...I don't know what to decide. When You Believe is a very big song, sang by Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston. Plus I am not very familiar with the song. I have no confidence. To sign up for the competition, I think a lot. Hain doesn't even know how she wants to present this song when she has already signed up for one month! And she doesn't have the karaoke version. >.< Hain's voice is good 可是我对他没自信.不是声音,而是性格.她太懒惰了.如果答应跟他一起表演,如果她又是个很懒惰练习的人呢?
Friday, March 13, 2009
Tomatoes and Lettuce
What happened? As usual, I walked into Algebra class and sat down at my usual spot, after throwing my bag on my chair. After about five minutes of an action of pulling my calculator from my bag, I felt my pants were really wet. I was panic stricken. I was having my menstruation and I feared know what I meant >.< So, of course, I went to the toilet (we call it bathroom here, don't know why when you can't bath in it).
I felt the back tip of my shirt was wet too, so I took of my shirt and peered at the spot. It didn't look like blood. It looked like I sat on food that was somewhat red in color. My pants were, of course, wet. But it wasn't blood too. It was another thing. I couldn't recall when I had brushed myself against food. It wasn't lunch yet, I haven't been to the cafeteria. I couldn't figure out how I got food on myself.
I went back to class. Before I sat on my chair, I noticed there was something red and green on my seat. It was TOMATOES and LETTUCE. HaH! I stared the tomatoes and lettuce so long that Molly (the girl that sits beside me in Algebra class) turned and looked at the red and green things that were squishy. She raised her head and asked, "Were you sitting on that?" I could only answer her a feeble "I don't know." Molly was kind. She helped my wiped away the squishy stuff and said she was sorry (not that she put the stuff there, she just felt sorry for me). Ahh..tomatoes, I will never eat you again.
Anyways, an electric guitar was bought today for my brother. I plan to take guitar lessons, but not until my piano Grade 8 practical exam is over. My brother had his first guitar lesson yesterday, so he taught me the only three notes that he knows how to play on the guitar, E, F and G. Well, I have learned music for several years, with the three notes that my brother taught me, I soon figured out some other notes and played Mary Had A Little Lamb and 客人来 on the guitar. I was proud of myself, haha. My first two songs that I played on a guitar! I will post a picture of the electric guitar soon, I promise. ^^
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
21 Questions
1. What is more difficult for you, looking into someones eyes when you are telling them how you feel, or looking into someone’s eyes when they are telling you how they feel?
I think looking into someone's eyes when I am telling them how I feel is more difficult for me because I have problems looking into someone's eyes even though I'm talking about something ordinary!
2. Think of the last time you were REALLY angry. WHY were you angry? Do you still feel the same way?
Ahh..I don't remember. Haha. I get angry frequently, but sometimes I can't remember them. Should be about one of my friends from here or my brother. No, I don't feel the same way now as I don't even remember what was the last thing I was angry about!
3. You are on a flight from Honolulu to Chicago nonstop. There is a fire in the back of the plane. You have enough time to make ONE phone call. Who do you call? What do you tell them?
Well, of course the common answer SHOULD be family. But considering the situation now, I'm seeing my family everyday, I think I would like to call someone I love that is in Malaysia. It's a her. That is because I missed her dearly and I hope to listen to her voice just before I die. She's a cousin.
4. You are at the doctor’s office and he has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? What do you do with your remaining days? Would you be afraid?
Yes, I would tell everyone that I'm going to die. I'm going to die, can't I have attention on me for one last month? I would do everything! First, say goodbye to my friends in Vietnam and fly back to Malaysia and enjoy myself. I would be afraid, of course, but I would make sure that my last month would be the happiest month ever.
7. You are unfaithful to your spouse/significant other. Do you tell him/her? Why or Why not?:
If I'm unfaithful, it SHOULD be because I'm madly in love with the other person. Then yes, I would tell him because that's the only way to be fair to him.
8. Your friend confesses that he/she has feelings for you more then just friendship. He/she is falling in love with you. What do you do/say?
If he is a person that I have never dreamed of being together with him, I would say, "I never expected that and I don't know that I would fall in love with you in the future but now I just want to be your friend."
9. Are you the kind of friend that you would want to have as a friend?
Erm, I don't think so. I think people that are close to me is because they have known me for a VERY LONG time. I have a kind of feeling HERE that some people talk to me because they need help for homework >.< So...pityful? I don't know.
10. Does love = sex?
Of course not. Sex is like an element of love. They don't equal.
11. When was the last time you told someone HONESTLY how you felt regardless of how difficult it was for you to say? Who was it? What did you have to tell the person?
WOW..I don't understand the question. Haha
12. What would be (or what was) harder for you to tell a friend, you love them or that you do not love them back?
I do not love them. However, I'm not a person that easily says that I love them.
13. What do you think would be the hardest thing for you to give up? Why would it be hard to lose?
People that I love. Because it takes a partial of my heart away to give up the love that I have for them.
14. Excluding romantic love, when was the last time you told someone you loved them? Who were they to you?
Erm..I think it was weeks ago. She was one of my best friends.
15. Imagine: it is a dark night, you are alone, it is raining outside, you hear someone walking around outside your window. WHO do you wish was there with you?
This is difficult. I don't want someone that I wish to see is soaking wet under the rain!
16. Would you give a homeless person CPR if they were dying? Why or Why not?
Yes, a life is priceless. Would you hope for someone to give you CPR when you are dying?
17. You are holding onto your grandmother’s hand and the hand of a newborn that you do not know as they hang over the edge of a cliff. You have to let one go to save the other. Who do you let fall to their death? What was your reason for making the decision?
My grandmother. I think she would agree with me as the newborn has a big whole future in front of him/her.
18. Are you old fashioned?
I am VERY traditional, compared to the people here. >.<
19. When was the last time you were nice to someone and did NOT expect anything in return for it?
Last week. I got a nasi lemak today in return!
20. Which would you choose, true love with a guarantee of a broken heart, or never loved at all? Why?
True love with a guarantee of a broken heart. At least I had him for a period of time.
21. If you could do anything or wish anything, what would it be?
I wish I have the three Twilight stuff that I want are in my hands NOW! Haha. So lame.
Science Periodic Elements Project
Sunday, March 8, 2009
RealMan 大丈夫
Three malaysians! Can you believe your eyes? Haha. I can't wait for the album to be release!
Link to mv
Friday, March 6, 2009
Piece of Homework - Newspaper article
The rain-less week has been affecting our main crop, maize. Our ruler had to do something to solve this problem, so a decision was made. Another human sacrifice to please our gods.
At dawn as usual, a prisoner was taken from underground. He was transported up the stairs to the top of the pyramid in a wood-made cage. The village people started to dance, in a big circle around the pyramid. The was a very huge bowl at the very end of the stairs, waiting to be lit.
At last, the prisoner reached the top. He was laid on the flat stone that was in a length of man. The priest put yellow paint all over the prisoner's body. The village people started to sing at the top of their voices. A fire was lit inside the huge bowl. The grand fire was so big, big enough to kill a person, but not immediately.
Then, the priest cut the prisoner's forearm, into his blood veins. The priest put a yellow small bowl under the prisoner's forearm, and the blood dripped drop by drop into the bowl. Uncannily, this time the prisoner was unusually calm, unlike the prisoner last sacrifice, who screamed like a pig that was getting killed.
When the sun was high up in the sky, the yellow bowl was finally full with blood. The priest ran down the stairs of the pyramid, and poured the bowl of blood into the burning fire. The village people sang louder and louder. Finally, the time has come. Our ruler, who has been sitting on his throne all the time, stood up and walked towards the prisoner.
Suddenly, our ruler pushed the prisoner down the stairs. From the ground, I could see the stairs were becoming a little yellow and red at the places where the prisoner's body rolled through. "PLUNK!" The village people cheered. Besides the cheering, a faint, miserable screaming could be heard. It seemed that the prisoner has gone into the flames.
p/s: This article really looks like a newspaper article when I printed it, but I couldn't make it look like that here. This is one of my favorites, I love the last paragraph!
Piece of homework
I was already in the sky for five hours. Hope was slipping. Three days. I have not been in contact with my mother and my best friend, ZM for three days. They were supposed to be at the
Suddenly, I saw an island. As I flew nearer, I saw on the beach, ten black specks and a huge SOS sign. The hope that slipped away came back again. Immediately, I flew down to land on the island. My heart was pounding tremendously against my chest. Will my mother and ZM be among the ten black specs that I saw? What if they weren’t? What should I do then? Finally, I set my trembling left foot out of the helicopter, on the sandy beach. I raised my head and saw ten different pairs of eyes looking at me, blue, brown and black.
I started from the left pair of eyes. I felt my eyes became as round as meat balls when I realized the fictional vampire was standing three meters away from me. Robert Pattinson! I had to tear my eyes from him to look at the person beside him. Then, my eyes were as round as tennis balls. Einstein! I looked at the third person. Finally, a normal person. My eyes shrank to their normal size. From his clothing, I knew that he was a priest. My eyes moved rightwards. Meat balls on my face again. Mr. Scorgie! Beside Mr. Scorgie, stood a boy that was about twelve years old. Another surprise! Barack Obama, the president of
“Wei Syn!” I turned my head to the right and I saw the two people that I wanted to see most at that time. I ran to them and threw myself in their arms. After a moment, I realized that ZM’s shirt was wet on where I had just put my head. I brushed my cheek using the back of my hand. It was wet, too. They were tears of happiness and relief.
The sun had set. I had brought some dry food with me. I shared the food with all of the people. We seat in a circle and talked. I asked them about how they were stranded on the island and what happened to the other passengers on the plane. The story was difficult to listen to. Their pilot had a heart attack and the plane crashed into this island. The plane caught on fire. People were screaming and pushing each other, trying to find their way out from the plane, to survive. In the end, only ten of them survived. During the three days, they ate fruits that were found on the island and waited in vain for a ship or a plane to come by to rescue them. After the talk, I learned that the priest was Mr. Brown, the boy, who was indeed twelve years old, was called Seth, and Mr. and Mrs. Smith were the wealthy couple. That night, I slept on the island with the ten survivors.
Honestly, it was unpleasant night’s sleep. About three in the morning, I was shaken awake. I forced myself to open my heavy eyes, in case something bad had happened. To my surprise, I saw Mr. and Mrs. Smith. I pushed myself up, and asked them if something had happened. Although there was no light that I couldn’t see very clearly, I thought that I saw Mrs. Smith blushed. I could feel heat coming from her.
“I’m so sorry that I have to wake you up at this hour of time. We have to ask you something. I hope that you would forgive us for our impoliteness. As you see, we saw that you came here with a helicopter, so my husband and I were wondering if you were planning to take others back to the
My mind was blank. I hadn’t thought of that before. I stared at Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Smith seemed to be abashed as she looked away from me.
“Well, Mrs. Smith. I can’t bring all ten people with me. I’m sorry. The helicopter only fits six people, so I could only bring five more people with me when I leave. I will think through this tonight. Why don’t you go to sleep? We can talk about this tomorrow. Okay?” I smiled a polite smile at her. She nodded at me and left with her husband.
I could only bring five people. My mother and ZM would definitely be in the list. What about the other three? I thought of Seth. He was just a little boy. He would have a bright future. I thought of Barack Obama. The people of the
p/s: My homework from Public Speaking class! It's a story, of course. It's not really a good writing, but I quite enjoyed myself while writing it. Tell me what you think about it!