Saturday, June 19, 2010

Wildlife At Risk with NHS

I know I went to this trip about three weeks ago,
but I still wanna talk about it,
to lock it in my memories.

It was May 29th 2010,
and we were going to a place called Wildlife At Risk (WAR)
to provide service.

On the bus:
Ms. Jones, our NHS teacher!
And Jenny, who's too shy to reveal her face, haha.

Mr. I, who is Ms. Jones' boyfriend,
who also went with us to WAR.
He was awesome helping us! ^^

Anh, Claire, and Kyuree~

Joon Won and Joseph.
This photo was initially booooring,
because both of them gave me poker faces.
So I said to them, 
"Guys, I'm taking a photo, so you should smiiiiiiile, get it?"
And they give me this! Haha.

Presenting the last row~
Kim, Phil, and Sonya.
Caution: P and S are the noisy people,
they didn't sleep at all on the bus!
Hahaha, I was just joking.

The animals:
I think most of us agree that this was one of the most dangerous animals at WAR
because it scratches people and grabs people's hair.
Not cute at all.

That's just the name, and she's super cute!
All of us love her,
and we can spend thirty minutes standing in front of her cage watching her eat.
She is just adorable. ^^

Although they're also cute,
they still kinda stink.

Moon bear.
Not very interesting,
although I fed them lunch.

The poor, lonely, three-legged porcupine.

Preparing food for the animals!
Phil(pink shirt) and Jenny(brown shirt) were in charge of the leafy vegetables,
whilst Kim(black shirt squatting), Joseph(black shirt standing) and I(black shirt sitting) cut the fruits.
In the beginning, I was given a carrot,
and I swear, it was so hard to cut through!
After several tries, I was breathing heavily,
still not being able to cut the carrot.
Suddenly, I heard "chop! chop! chop!",
from my upper left side,
the sound of carrots being cut.
I turned my head toward the sound,
and saw Joseph cutting the carrots.
"Soooo strong..."
He heard me, turned his head, and grinned triumphantly at me!

Our group photo in front of the gate of WAR.

It was 2pm when we left WAR,
so we decided to go to the Cu Chi tunnels! ^^

Group photo beside a tank at Cu Chi Tunnels.
I didn't expect the visit to Cu Chi Tunnels to be interesting,
because I've already been there once with my relatives.
A local guide was bringing us around the location,
explaining the history and the functions of the traps.
When we got to the tunnel where we were able to actually go into it,
that was where the fun part began.
During my first visit,
I only went through twenty meters of the tunnel with my cousins.
This time...
before we went in the tunnel,
the guide told us to neither turn right nor left,
and just go straight till the very end.
I was surprised,
because I remember we had to turn right in order to get out of the tunnel.
we just went into the tunnel fearlessly.
The tour guide was first, Joseph second,
me third, Jenny fourth, and the others.
I must say that the tour guide was SUPER fast!
The last time I was in the tunnel,
everyone was scared, holding on the edge of the shirt of the person in front of you,
walking like a duck, so we were slow.
This time, the guide's pace was faster than an average person walking,
Joseph didn't want to lose the tour guide out of sight,
so Joseph walked as fast as the guide.
I didn't want to lose Joseph out of my sight,
so I walked almost as fast as Joseph.
the people behind were duck walking,
and they were very scared of the dark.
Uh oh...
Of course, when we - tour guide, Joseph, and I - went too far,
we had to stop to wait for the others.
In the middle of the tunnel (the whole tunnel was one hundred meters long),
our guide decided to abandon us!
He told us to just go straaaaaight till the end.
We walked and crawled.
There was one point where we couldn't even crawl through as it was too narrow,
so we had to sit down and slide through the tunnel.
(Luckily I wasn't too fat or else I would be in BIG trouble.)
Finally, we reached the end!
We walked through a hundred meter tunnel!
A round of applause for the NHS members~ ^^

On our way back home:
Kim is sleeping!

Another sleeper!
Sorry for being a paparazzi, Joseph.
Since I know you wouldn't get angry at me,
I just couldn't help myself for taking a snapshot of this.

And me?
Cheerful on my way back home. ^^
It was a great day and I had fun.

p/s: Two of the photos are from Ms. Jones' blog.
You can click on hers to read what she wrote about this special day.

1 comment:

  1. haha monkeys that grab your hair? 這讓我想起Toy Story 3 (3D版)裡的那隻 ⊙ 目'⊙ 狂咆哮的!
