Friday, July 17, 2009

After 1.32pm Yesterday

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Movie Review
DO NOT read if you want surprises when
you watch the movie

After been waiting for the movie of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince for so long, I finally watched it yesterday at 11am, the first session in the Golden Screen Cinemas of One Utama.
Unfortunately, things didn't go so smoothly. Something happened, and it ruined a little of my mood watching HP6.

Anyway, after years of waiting, the movie finally started before my eyes. Two hours later, I came out much more satisfied than the previous movies, but it's still not up to my expectations. As I have always said, 影迷会觉得电影好看,可是书迷会永远觉得不够好。书永远都会比电影来得好看.

My mum and siblings thought that HP6 was nice to watch, but I didn't agree with them. True, I was happier, compared to the time I watched HP4 and HP5. I didn't have any shocks about "why is this part missing?" during HP4, or feeling the movie was a summary of important points like HP5. What was needed in the movie was included in the movie, but I wanted more. Oh, greedy me.

Surprisingly, HP6 had the most humor among all of the movies. I would say that is one of the points that will make people who only watch HP movies like HP6. Of course, the actors --especially Daniel Radcliffe, as usually he wasn't the one that needed to be funny --did an excellent job, if not it wouldn't be so funny.

Well, mainly I wasn't vert satisfied with the movie because I was expecting more actions and darkness. As I watching the movie, I realized that the color wasn't as dark as before. It was a good thing and a bad thing at the same time; good as I don't need to strain my eyes to watch what was happening in a dark, dark screen, bad (I mean not so good, actually) as this is already the sixth movie, shouldn't it be darker than the previous movies??

Actions, yes. I was most dissappointed with two scenes; the scene whem Harry and Professor Dumbledore went to find the locket and the scene when the death eaters escape from Hogwarts after Snape murdered Dumbledore.

Overall, I give HP6 four stars out of five stars. I highly encourage everyone to go watch this movie.

p/s: I secretly wish that HP6 will be more popular than Transformers 2. ^^

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