Saturday, May 23, 2009

What should I learn?

Finals is two weeks about TEN days later.. HELL
Grade eight practical exam is about THREE weeks later... WORSE
Why do I have to wait so long for heaven to come?
Oh dear......

After that, I plan to learn something new.
Here are my options:
1. Electric guitar
-Inspired by Leehom. I feel like I wanna play something rock. Don't want to be so classical.
2. Acoustic guitar
-Inspired by Mr. Pav. But the percentage of choosing this instrument is low...
3. Cello
-I love the sound of cello. ^^ Deep and peaceful.
4. Violin
-Another instrument inspired by Leehom. Zmin thinks I should learn this. Phil thinks so too.
5. Singing
-Something that I have been interested for a long time. Maybe I should start to really learn it?

What should I learn?

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