Friday, March 26, 2010

Spirit Week

It's Spirit Week next week in my school!
I'm pretty excited about it,
because I decided to participate at least 25% actively in it.
(Ok,ok. I know 25% is not that much, but still...)

Anyway, if you don't know what Spirit Week is,
especially those from Malaysia,
Spirit Week is a week when everyday has a specific theme,
and students will dress accordingly.
Sounds interesting?

Here are the themes for next week:
1. Pajama Day
If everyone wore the pajamas to school,
our class would most probably look like this.
Just that our sizes would be much bigger,
and we wouldn't "act cute".

I was actually planning to wear like this,
not with the clown hat, of course.
But then I saw another picture,
which made me have second thoughts...

A baggy home t-shirt,
pajama pants,
bedroom slippers,
plus homey tied up hair.
Should I do that too?
Cause I look fat when I wear everything pink...
(Tell me what you think...)

2. Crazy hair/Mismatch Day
These..are pretty crazy.
I don't know if I have the guts to go to school in that state.

I wish I have a crazy wig that I could wear to school.
Effortless and crazy.
Sounds awesome.

An idea about mismatch.
I wonder how much time will I take to stand in front of my closet,
wondering what to wear,
how to mix,
and what don't go together.

These people are just amazing.
What do you picture me wearing?

3. Nerd Day
They look like nerds!
Not really...
How do you dress up like a nerd, anyway?
Maybe I should go to school as myself,
as some people might already consider me as a nerd.
I know, bad joke.

Authentic nerds?

4. Twins Day
The basic thing about Twins Day
is that you have to wear almost the exact same clothings with your partner.
Is that hard or easy?
I haven't asked someone to be my twin yet.

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