Friday, November 27, 2009


Hello, people.
long time no see.
Haha, I haven't blogged for weeks,
because I didn't have something specific to write about.
So, erm..some updates in my life then?

1. Weeks ago, about the time when I posted my last post,
I was a little confused about "Jacob" and "Edward",
but now it's fine now.
After the clouds were gone,
everything became so sharp, clear and defined.
It was good in some ways, and bad in some ways.
Good: I feel young.
Seriously, I realized that this hasn't happened since 2005, when I was 13.
That's a long time ago.
Whew, I feel like teenager.
And, I forgot how sweet this used to be.
Happy for just a word.
Bad: Frustration.
My heart is swelling by seconds,
it's so tempting to just blurt it out.
Haizh...and the mood swings.
If there was a word, great.
If there was none, hell, it sucks.
I'm becoming greedier day by day,
wanting for more,
kept stopping,
turning around,
to take a secret glance.

2. New Moon is officially launched in Vietnam!
Woohoo~ I'm gonna watch two movies tomorrow:
"2012" in the afternoon with a bunch of friends,
celebrating Kajol's birthday
("Edward" is not going and I'm disappointed)
"New Moon" at night with my family.
According to Phil,
the ratings of this movie is C;
but Zmin loved the movie.
Apparently, she's in love with "biscuit" again.
I hope the movie will be good.

3. SSIS Idol
I signed up for auditions and sang Butterfly Fly Away.
The results were: 一场无法战胜的初赛
Oh, well.
I wasn't upset,
because I had pushed down my hopes to a level that I won't have any disappointments.
When there's no hope, there will be no disappointments.
Just watched Finals today,
one comment: Lies.
Don't feel like talking about it,
so yeah.

4. I asked Warwick Davis,
the actor who play Professor Flitwick in Harry Potter,
a question in Twitter.
And this is his answer:

He made my day on that day.

5. I love music.
I was watching Music-Man DVD last Friday night,
I realized that I forgotten how much I used to love Chinese music.
At that, I want to say thank you to Leehom,
for bringing back my passion.
And also thanks to a Malaysian singer,


I want to listen to music again.



Finally, I'm still frustrated with my situation with "Edward"
As cheesy as it sounds, I want him.

p/s: Don't be shocked.
I am 17, after all.

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