Sunday, January 4, 2009


Doesn't he look cute? And he's turing 33 this year! Haha's only the fourth day of year 2009 and I'm sick now. I'm weak today and I don't like it but it's all my fault. I started quite early, about 10pm last night reading New Moon, the second book of the vampire-human love story series. I got so addicted to the book and I didn't stop reading until the book finished. And guess what, I went to bed today at 5:30am. I was awaken by my mum at a quarter to eleven. My head and eyelids were very heavy and I felt dizzy. For the whole morning, I spent most of the time in bed. Yeah, I went back to bed. When mummy asked me why I was sleeping, I lied to her. I said that because I was reading a boring book and it made me fell asleep.

During lunch, I felt a bit better. I ate but not much. I asked my mum, "If I told you that I want nothing to eat, would you think that I'm truly sick?" She nodded. Then daddy suddenly said, "Fried noodles." He meant that he would use a plate of fried noodles to make me eat. Do you know why? Because I love noodles. My paternal family called me the Noodle King. Well, mostly the aunts called me that. I quite like the name, because "noodle" also meant brain. If I am the Noodle King, I must be smart. Haha, very funny.

Well, it's night time now and I'm truly sure that I have a fever. My face is buring with heat! Another joke for me to tell now. Do know why I didn't wrote that " My body is hot!"? Because in the school that I study now, hot also means sexy and I'm not sexy. Once I touched my friend's hand and shouted "You are hot!" , she looked at me with her head tilted to one side and she looked surprised. Then I only realized that she thought I was saying that she is sexy. That's why I will use the word "hot" only when neccessary.

1 comment:

  1. lee hom ar?
    i thot which new singer..

    y noodles=brain?

    if ur fren thot u were saying she's sexy.. it might sound abit les..haha..

