Friday, August 7, 2009

Draco Malfoy and some random HP stuff

Draco Malfoy's growth over the years

Harry Potter and the Socerer's Stone
Looks like he's trying to be evil but he looks TOO cute to be so!
Look! His hair is gel-ed(I don't know the spelling)
and he has rabbit teeth!

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Hair still gel-ed
but grew much taller
He also grew out of his cuteness
but still a little boy~boy

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
No more boy~boy
and no more gel-ed hair!
He's a hottie...

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
He's chin is so much defined by this time..

Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix
Least appearance in this movie
p/s: He's shorter than Neville!

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Draco in a black suit!

One additional picture:
The child Tom Felton!
He is SOOOOOOOO cute!!!

Compare the couples:
Tom Felton and Emma Watson
They are friends
But they kinda look good in this picture, right?

Tom Felton and his REAL girlfriend, Jade
I must admit, she IS pretty

So...Tom Felton went to Japan about a week ago
and the first night, he couldn't sleep
He finally fell asleep one hour he should be awake
with his clothes and shoes on
His girlfriend took a picture of him sleeping
and posted it on Twitter
Toms fallen asleep! Hes about to go live on tbs king brunch! Time to wake him!......jade xxx
His condition looks uncomfortable
I don't even think he's on a bed
Sleeping with a T-shirt, jeans, belts and shoes
I can't sleep like that!
Well, that's not the point.
One hour later, he woke up
and went to show up at a TV show
he's wearing the SAME clothing!

Additional Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows movie information:

1. Isaacs(actor who plays Lucius Malfoy) considered not returning for the film, before the book was released, as he was worried Malfoy would have very little screen time due to the character's imprisonment in the previous story. Meeting Rowling at an awards dinner he fell to his knees and said "'Get me out of prison, I beg you.' [Rowling] looked over her shoulder and looked back at me mouthing 'You're out. Chapter One.' And that was it, that's all I had to know, and I signed up immediately."
My comment: Don't you think he's so lucky to know the information before everyone else?

2. Director David Yates has announced that, for the final scene in the film which is set nineteen years after the film's main story, older actors will not be cast to play the main characters. Special effects will be used to depict the cast members as adults.
My comment: I'm so excited with this scene! I hope that Draco won't be cancelled in this scene.

Finally, one last question:
Who can guess who is this actor?
He is an actor in Harry Potter films
and I've mentioned him in this post


  1. 他做么会上日本节目? =.=
    不过我觉得他女朋友不会很美啊. =P
    PS: 我猜不出那个男的是谁. =)
    还有我很喜欢那首What Did I Do to Your Heart.

  2. It's Neville Longbottom duh! And Tom Felton is so cute and I disagree with the part about Tom's girlfriend, Jade or whatever her name is FUGLY, she's not pretty but that is my opinion@
