Saturday, March 21, 2009



My science project was finally over on Wednesday,这次的project真的是困难重重来。>.< 本来拍完整个影片,结果那个file convert不到。所以要重做。告诉老师的时候,我还在老师的面前哭了出来。>.<啊~我可是第一次在这间学校大庭广众哭了出来。那时的心情是upset and disappointed,因为那时的感觉是付出的努力好像没有收获。老师对我很好,没有生气,还多给一点时间让我完成。


这个假期,除了功课、弹钢琴和准备搬家之外,I need to write a short story that is 1500 words length because I'm planning to compete in a short story competition. I have some ideas in my mine about what I might write about but I have really decided yet as I have not started to really sit down and think about it. Wish me luck! I hope that I will succeed in finishing this story. ^^

Spring is here, which means about one month later, I will be going to Malaysia! Haha. Actually I planned some of my activities during my stay at Malaysia in my head.
30/4 Arrive at Malaysia at 2pm
1/5 Go out with Zm, Jm, Chyn (Haven's ask any of them yet)
2/5 Music-Man concert
3/5 Go out with Chong Hwa friends
4/5 Back to Vietnam
Not sure about my plan though, they are just what I thought what I might do.


  1. i wan go out..
    dun leave me out when u cal CH frens out..
    thx ><

  2. 1st may,
    most probably will be free.
